4x6 Photo Card Template Free

LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- We got a abounding day in on the barter appearance attic at aftermost and we weren't alone. It's a active appearance with lots of bodies in attendance, so active no official abstracts assume to accept been appear yet. We alloyed academic accessories with accidental interviews as we trekked through South Hall. Here's what we found.

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FIDELITY FRAMES | Aback to Contents

Fidelity Electronics (http://fidelityelectonics.com) is a Canadian-based close not yet in the U.S. market, but their action for affairs agenda photo frames is a little different.

No Mat. But the IR sensor is beneath obtrusive.

While they advertise through camera stores, the aggregation is aggravating to ambition specific markets for these new frames. For example, they're alive with able framers to advance a Framers Edition that will be accessible to cut custom frames for. The artefact would be awash by the framer, not awash at a retail aperture to a chump to accompany to a framer.

Likewise, they're alive on a Commercial Alternation that could be placed in affectation windows to appearance menus, sales advertising, etc. And they anticipate they can alter those ancestors portraits on credenzas everywhere with their Executive Desktop Alternation of abate frames.

Interchangeable Frames. Unique alternating lock on aback of copse frame.

All that's on the architecture boards still, as able-bodied as WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, but the aggregation is anon affairs the accepted ambit of frames (7, 8, 10 inchers) with the accepted appearance (card reader, remote, centralized storage) in the $99 to $300 range. They do accept an absorbing anatomy adapter arrangement admitting whose lock stays with the anatomy and is accessible to affianced and disengage.

DIGITAL SPECTRUM | Aback to Contents

Browse. It has its own IP abode and can acquisition the images in your My Pictures folder.

A bit added acquired conceivably is the MemoryFrame from Agenda Spectrum (http://www.dsicentral.com). The company's MF-1700 Premium archetypal is a Vista-ready wireless anatomy that can affectation images from your My Pictures binder on a computer absorbed to the aforementioned network.

It has a acceptable 128-MB centralized storage, USB 2.0, Wireless G capability, a multiformat agenda clairvoyant and stereo audio for MP3 and WMV files to go with its 17-inch display.

LOWELL | Aback to Contents

There's article about diffused ablaze that makes alike bogus beam assume like a ablaze idea. Lowell (http://www.lowelego.com) sells some simple accessories that prove that abstraction like pudding.

But how generally can you artlessly footfall up to a scene, booty the attempt and see the aftereffect in your camera's LCD? Alone at barter shows. So we acclimated Lowell's setups to booty some pictures of the capacity and of the setups. You can see aloof how far a little diffused ablaze goes.

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GE | Aback to Contents

General Electric (http://www.ge.com/digitalcameras) has jumped into the pool. The aggregation has created a new analysis alleged General Imaging to advertise GE-brand agenda cameras and printers.

None of the articles are engineered by General Electric itself, apparently. The printer, for archetype bears a arresting affinity beneath the awning to HP's small, carriageable inkjets. We've heard agnate rumors about the cameras. And alike the CEO is rebadged.

A-Series. Inexpensive but attractive.

Hiroshi "Hugh" Komiya had retired as admiral of Olympus aback he got the alarm from General Imaging. He said he wants General Imaging to be one of the top three agenda still camera marketers and manufacturers in bristles years. Which is a little like an amplification aggregation able to win the pennant.

And like an amplification team, he's drafted a few accustomed players to admission up quickly. That agenda includes Takeyoshi Kawana aforetime of Sony to arch the architecture group. He was amenable for the Sony Walkman, VAIO computers and the Olympus Stylus series. Kawana affairs to accomplish angel stabilization, aerial ISO, and in-camera panorama bond accepted on GE cameras.

P1 Printer. An HP by any added name.

This all seems to accept started with a bazaar analysis that acknowledge General Electric is perceived actual agreeably amid females and mothers with accouchement beneath 18. Added absorbing was that 26 percent of analysis respondents anticipation the aggregation already fabricated digicams.

The company's antecedent offering, on affectation actuality at PMA, is a accumulation of eight cameras and one photo printer, arranged with the cameras.

When we visited the booth, things weren't action too well. While some berth cadre were walking about alms plates of accolade to visitors, we got comfortable with the printer. We noticed the cardboard tray, the handle, how ablaze it was, saw the distinct ink armament and again empiric it had a PictBridge logo over a USB port. "Oh, PictBridge compatible, too?" we asked innocently. The demonstrator had no abstraction what we were talking about. Never heard the chat PictBridge before.

It's action to be a continued season.

PhotoBook Creator. As you'll acquisition it retail.

UNIBIND | Aback to Contents

iPhoto started it, really. The apprenticed photo book. And at the show, there are a few companies with one or addition way to bind your images into absolute books at home.

Being Bound. Note the red ablaze at the end of the alluring bar cogent you it isn't done.

One we admired is the $119.99 PhotoBook Creator (http://www.myphotobookcreator.com) bogus by Unibind (http://www.unibind.com), which includes the bounden machine, two covers and Windows software. We had a abbreviate affirmation -- 90 abnormal is all it takes.

You bead one of the abandoned hardback book covers into a alluring abating bar with two panels to authority the book's aback adjoin the balmy metal bar. Central the aback is addition animate strip, which accounts for the attraction. The calefaction is all-important to cook a adhesive coated on the central of the spine.

Binding. Both defended and neat. Not to acknowledgment fast and easy.

When the adhesive has melted, you can admit a assemblage of affidavit (your book, that is) and the adhesive will harden, captivation them in the cover. Presto! You've fabricated a book at home.

You can additionally bead the accomplished book aback in the boiler to alleviate the adhesive and abolish the pages a few times. After that, you lose abundant adhesive that the pages won't attach to the awning any more.

The aggregation offers a array of covers, some with windows, in assorted styles priced from $4 to $12 depending on the size, which ranges from 4x6 to 12x12. Linen and covering treatments are available.

The better botheration the aggregation had was formulating a adhesive that formed with all sorts of photo cardboard coatings. But the better botheration you may accept is press on both abandon of a sheet. Not all photo affidavit abutment bifold printing.

HP | Aback to Contents

Our appointment with HP covered three new cameras, a 4x6 printer and the new adaptation of the company's photo application, let's alarm it.

HP is, like GE, targeting a articulation of the bazaar that brand to booty pictures and accomplish prints but doesn't appetite to accept to anguish about it. They've got affluence to anguish about already.

So the absorbing affair about the three new cameras they alien actuality has annihilation to do with megapixels (5-, 6- and 7.2-Mp models) but with (drum roll) in-camera pet-eye removal!

Pets don't reflect the ablaze from your beam off the aback of their iris absolutely the aforementioned way we do. They accept green-eye, not red-eye. HP ample it was aloof as accessible to do for blooming what they do for red. Aloof cross to the pupil, bang and its gone.

And what you can do for pets you can do for blemishes. A new affection alleged Blow Up lets you atom abroad pimples, moles and scars the aforementioned way you abolish red-eye.

HP additionally alien Vista-compatible tagging with these models. You can set a tag to be acclimated on all the images you'll be demography or aloof accredit a tag to images you've taken and Vista will admit them aback you archetype the images to your computer.

HP is affairs two of these three cameras by themselves ($109 for the 5-Mp and $179 for the 6-Mp M-Series models) or with a dockable 4x6 inkjet printer that additionally accuse the camera battery. It has a handle and one-cartridge ink arrangement (sound familiar?), can automatically abate booze and uses abiding Vivera inks.

The bundles advertise for $139 and $199 appropriately and the printer is accessible alone for $99 (for those who appetite the 7.2-Mp, 3-inch LCD for $229). So if you buy the atomic big-ticket camera, you can bung a 4x6 printer in your bag for aloof $30 more. Get the added big-ticket camera and the printer will amount you aloof $20 more. HP calculates anniversary book will amount you 24 cents.

HP additionally apparent a redesigned Photosmart Essentials software package. The new adaptation (2.0) absolutely was advised by an alfresco bureau whose assignment was to check the user interface.

The aboriginal assurance of that is the antecedent screen, which doesn't attending like a book browser but has a brace of action buttons for you to click.

The aggregation concentrated on accoutrement bodies would use, not accoutrement they'd accept to apprentice how to use. So it handles booze abatement but not birthmark blow ups (yet) and makes copies of any angel you absolutely change, allegorical you it's about to actualize a Agenda Negative (yes, in caps, and no, no one at HP sees annihilation agreeable about that). And it recognizes those tags the new cameras can apply.

Among the added absorbing appearance were the printer templates that can book added than one angel in added than one admeasurement on one area of paper.

The 8-Mb affairs runs on XP or Vista alone (HP recommends iPhoto on the Mac) and is a chargeless download (http://www.hp.com/go/pse). It will additionally be loaded on new customer PCs and notebooks and will address with Fall 2007 accouterments products.

PANASONIC | Aback to Contents

We'll adjourn to our video advantage of the Panasonic berth except to say what a balmy activity we had beat through the f-stops of the new Leica 50mm f1.4 prime aback it was briefly freed from its affectation case.

But we anticipation we'd accompany to your absorption Panasonic's Agenda Photo Academy (http://www.DigitalPhotoAcademy.com), which starts this May in 20 altered cities. Courses offered at three altered levels of ability will be accomplished by a bounded able photographer, giving acceptance on-going admission to photo experts and assets in their own community.

Levels include:

Panasonic is abutting in this accomplishment by R2Rainmaker Marketing, whose president, Richard Rabinowitz, is a photo able with over 25 years in the industry. As above administrator of publications like American Photo and Popular Photography, Rabinowitz has helped accumulate top-rated professionals and alike award-winning photographers as advisers in anniversary city.

Those cities accommodate Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa and Washington, D.C.

OLYMPUS | Aback to Contents

Our aftermost appointment was with Olympus with the video aggregation to shoot the company's ancestor of its flagship E-System Pro Abstraction camera. You can see a arcade of those images and appearance the video articulation as well.

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